A touch of health, a return of the mind to natural balance.


00421 903 894 460

If you have any questions, please contact us

Where can you find us?

Kúpeľná ulica 20/202 053 42 Krompachy

Basic entrance fee

  • Wednesday 15€/2,5 hrs.
  • Thursday 15€/2,5 hrs.
  • Friday 20€/2,5 hrs.
  • Saturday 25€/2,5 hrs.

Massage price list

We are preparing ...
  • Classic massage (30 min.) 18€
  • Classic massage (1 hour) 36€
  • Banking (20 min.) 15€
  • Combination massage (1 hour) 32€

    (massage 40 min + banking 20 min)

  • Lymfatická masáž (1 hod.) 35€
  • Lymfatická masáž (1,5 hod.) 40€
  • Celotelová masáž (2 hod.) 45€
Massage to be booked 1 day in advance on tel. no.: 053/445 1655 or on 0903 894 460

Finnish sauna

Ambient temperature from 95° to 105°C. Recommended stay 15 minutes. It relaxes the muscles and intensive sweating leads to overall cleansing of the body, strengthening the immune system. It eliminates stress.

Steam sauna

Ambient temperature 47° to 55°C, 100% humidity. Recommended residence time 15 minutes. It clears your airways and unclogs your skin pores.

Herbal sauna

Ambient temperature 42°C to 47°C, humidity 60%. Recommended residence time max. 20 minutes. It clears the airways and pleasantly relaxes the whole organism. Mint, chamomile, lemon balm will refresh and soothe you.

Salt sauna

Ambient temperature 42° to 47°C, humidity 60%. Recommended residence time max. 20 minutes. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and skin.


Relax on the anatomically shaped and heated loungers. Relaxing music and pleasant surroundings contribute to overall relaxation.

Tropical rain

Refreshment in the form of cold or warm rain will prepare you for further treatments.


Refreshes and replenishes the skin. Alternating cold and warm water will increase immunity and resistance.

Bubble massage bath

It removes physical and mental discomfort and tension. The organism relaxes and pleasantly tunes up.


Here you can relax undisturbed and forget about the problems of everyday life to the sounds of relaxing music. The flames of the fire and the gurgling of the water set a pleasant atmosphere.

The combination of these treatments will bring your body and soul into a natural balance and help you get rid of everyday stress, strengthen your immune system, and regenerate your whole organism.

Classical massage

Full body massage, back massage, neck massage, foot massage, hand massage and shoulder massage. In classical massage we use manual application of mechanical stimuli - palpation, where we massage the massaged area. Massage promotes muscle relaxation, tension, tissue nourishment and pain relief. The overall effects are soothing, relaxing, invigorating.

Massage to be booked 1 day in advance on tel. no.: 053/445 1655 or on 0903 894 460

Lymfatická masáž

Odstraňuje: opuchy, únavu, zadržiavanie vody

Prospieva: zlepšeniu imunity, urýchleniu hojenia pooperačných rán, detoxikácii organizmu, regenerácii po onkoliečbe a celkovému stavu tela.

Súčasťou procedúry je masáž tváre a bankovanie (pri celotelovej masáži). 

Neobyčajná lymfatická masáž čistí telo aj myseľ.

Massage to be booked 1 day in advance on tel. no.: 053/445 1655 or on 0903 894 460
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